[+/-] - added, but deactivated [+] -
added [!] - repaired [-] - removed [p]
- corrected [V] - patches in the VKP format -
patch only for persons with TP (loaded with the
V_Klay program) [u] - activated
Cristal 2 final plus
(C2F+) [the most stabile]
[+] The Cristal code was copied from the
beginning, it contains more options and patches
and it is more transparent [i] Error of pink
colours after installing a new themes [+]
Decrease jpeg compression in camera - improving
the quality of photographs made with the help of
camera [!] Changes in the code of the patch -
default options are set up to safe [-]
SystemExplorer - wasn't active in 100% on
ROLF [!] Default CPU set up - 144MHz [+]
Total change of whole graphics! [!]
Eliminated possible problem with restoring
contacts [!] Total
reorganization/optimization of RFS scripts and
accustoming files up on drive A: [!] Fixed
NaSMS [+] Given additional helpful programs
while creating themes:
+ AIFTool + Eikctl editor +
Makesis + MBMTool + S60
[+] English version
together with Installation Wizard [+] FW15
Polonization on the Z: disk [+] T9PL
dictionary on the Z: disk (it is now possible
switch between the English and Polish language)
- greeting for MrK ;-) [+] Automatic backup
of any files with the possibility of restoring
them [!] Programs on the A: disk are changed
(more in About_C2f+.txt) [+] Huge amount of
adaptations, changes and updates which in the
period of building this version I didn't