Thanks to:
- MrK - tests, updating site
- Alien - whole Cristal translations
- Bo$s - tests
- Cristal Support Team - tests and
support on board
- RL - programming of mAcpAcker
- Kuba Farbisz - for Dimmer and help in
re-programming some applications
- Everyone, who supported this project
- it was made thanks to you
- Wyżynna Team - for psychological
support :D
People, without whom this
modification would never existed:
- SERRGE (Z-Team)
- Mazh (Z-Team)
- DeadMan (Z-Team)
- Shamil Randuev (Z-Team)
- Bounce1986
- Bolex
- Neorumancer
- Metal
- SPiRiT
- team from
- Barev
- Bril (Z-Team)
- dan_av (Z-Team)
- NightFlash
- Vovan888
- --=Zorn=--
- fca00000 ( fca00000[at]yahoo[dot]es )
- Imago (OSLIK)